J-Technology participation in world antimicrobial awareness week

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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has attracted attention due to Covid-19. When bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites stop responding to antibiotics, antimicrobial resistance develops, making infections challenging to treat.

So , From J-technology social responsibility that is keen on attending and supporting all events related to global medical events. Today we participate in the fight against antimicrobial resistance and to spread awareness. Representatives from our family attended and participated in the activities of a conference that AUC in Cairo organized  with Saudi German Hospital to discuss visions on the way forward against the irresponsible usage of antibiotics.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been listed as one of the top 10 global health problems by the WHO. A number of variables, such as the overuse and abuse of pharmaceuticals in humans, animals, and agriculture as well as the lack of access to clean water, hygienic practices, and bad sanitation practices, have increased the threat of AMR globally.

 Here are some tips to fight Antimicrobial Resistance:

1. Practice good hygiene.

2. Avoid unnecessary use of antibiotics and self-medication.

3. Complete the full course of antibiotics.

4. Proper storage and disposal of antibiotics.


By following these tips, we can all play a role in reducing the threat of AMR and ensuring that antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines remain effective for future generations.